5/July/2015 - In recent weeks I've had the displeasure of dealing with an idiot in Georgia that was previously a renter of mine in a property I own. He and his family abandoned the home full of trash and furniture and ran all the way home, after failing to pay the rent for a month. Jason Horton, a convicted burglar and (according to him) half owner of Jessica Horton & Associates, a small brokerage in Griffin Georgia.
The Hortons owe me quite a bit of money, money I'll never see in this lifetime. However, recently Jason posted a long winded rambling apology to me on another website. Someone else actually brought it to my attention, as I don't frequent that site often. He also offered to pay me money, though he denied owing me any money. He asked that I call him,...like he's on my speed dial or something.
Since I had no information on him, as his old lease agreement is in a storage unit, I shot his wife an email providing her an email address he could reach me at, and that was it. Then, this nutcase posts the message below. Normally, I'd get pretty hot over some of the things he says, but, I realized recently that's he's mentally handicapped, so it's not right to get angry at him. It's like a person with Tourettes Syndrome cursing you out,..it's not their fault.
Nevetheless, enjoy Jason Lewis Hortons most recent rant over me, God, his wife, and the internet.
Georgia State Prison |