"Mixed in my albums was an autographed Beatles Album with a bar code signed by all 4 Beatles that was printed in 1987 (Lennon died in 1980). I asked them to give me some traceable means to see if the balance of my purchases came from same source as the fake Beatles one. I have over 50 emails filled with SPIN, Smart Ass comments, and outright bull" - Vince Pupillo 2009
10 November 2009
Recently I Collaborated with Steve Cyrkin of Autograph Magazine to shed light on the fraudulent memorabilia being sold by AutographsAmerica.com.
I had received an email from Vince Pupillo regarding a Beatles album he had purchased that had supposedly been signed by John Lennon.
That particular edition of the album was minted in 1987, so it was impossible for the deceased (1980) Lennon to have signed it.
Pupillo had purchased over $20,000 in merchandise from Brian Burkel of autographsamerica.com and was very upset over the situation.
This is not the first time we have received emails from people that have purchased signed albums that could not have possibly been signed by the deceased artist.
As we investigate the other victims claims we will keep you posted.
Please take the time to read the article written by Steve at AutographMagazine.com and visit their site. If you intend to collect legitimate autographs, you definately need to subscribe to their publication.