Yes, it is against eBay policy to sell Nazi related items on the auction site; yet twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, 356 days a year one can find hundreds of such listings on the site. A majority of these items are fakes, and I do wonder if eBay chooses profit over their own policy against knock-offs and Nazi items.
Many of the fake Nazi watches purport to be name brands such as Omega and Junghans, both of which are reputable brands. Selling a fake Omega watch with a Nazi logo is no different than selling a fake Prada purse as genuine; yet eBay turns a blind eye to these items.
Personally, I have reported around thirty fake Nazi items for being in violation of eBay’s own policy, yet none of the items were removed. Some of which were reported as many as nine days prior to the auction closing, and they never removed them.
I have however seen many Nazi items removed, but they were items that were genuine Nazi relics, so perhaps they just enjoy watching people buy the fakes and making a tidy profit in the process. I believe eBay’s standard fee is twenty cents per listing and 8% of the final sell price including shipping up to $50.00 and then 5% up to $1000.
Nevertheless, below you will get a pretty good idea of what eBay has going.